பொருள் : The wetness of ground that is covered or soaked with water.
எடுத்துக்காட்டு :
The baseball game was canceled because of the wateriness of the outfield.
The water's muddiness made it undrinkable.
The sloppiness of a rainy November day.
ஒத்த சொற்கள் : muddiness, sloppiness
பொருள் : Meagerness or poorness connoted by a superfluity of water (in a literary style as well as in a food).
எடுத்துக்காட்டு :
The haziness and wateriness of his disquisitions.
The wateriness of his blood.
No one enjoys the burning of his soup or the wateriness of his potatoes.
பொருள் : The property of resembling the viscosity of water.